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Welcome to Little Manu Training

The idea of starting Little Manu Training came to me about a year ago. However, I had no idea where to start. I knew that I wanted to find a way to help others enjoy exercise, but I didn't know how. This past year I have learned so much, although there is still much to learn. The concept of Little Manu Training has changed a lot from when I originally dreamt it up. What began as just a workout program, slowly evolved into a wellness program. I am sure that Little Manu Training will continue to evolve into something even greater than I could imagine. 

The purpose of Little Manu Training is to help you become the best version of you through exercise and self-care. Like many others, I have struggled with feelings of severe anxiety and depression. In high school, I battled exercise addiction and disordered eating. Because of this, I realized that the fitness industry needs more people who focus on self-care first and results last. I decided that I wanted to be one of those people. 

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